Bergen Pain & RehabAnna Lee, MD
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation located in Cresskill, NJ
If you suffer from fibromyalgia, you understand the toll the condition can take on your daily life. Fibromyalgia is notoriously difficult to diagnose and treat, and many men and women turn to Dr. Anna Lee at Bergen Pain & Rehab in Cresskill, New Jersey, after they’ve tried many other treatment avenues with little success. Dr. Lee pioneered a new pain treatment procedure A-IMS® that helped many of her fibromyalgia patients to recover. If you’re ready to try a new treatment option for your fibromyalgia, schedule an appointment by calling the office.

What is Fibromyalgia and what are the symptoms?
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder with widespread musculoskeletal pain for the entire body that waxes and wanes over time. Additional common symptoms may include depression, anxiety, migraines, tension headaches, pelvic pain, irritable or overactive bladder, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), TMJ, and gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD). Symptoms sometimes begin after a physical trauma, surgery, infection or significant psychological stress. Sometimes, symptoms gradually accumulate over time with no triggering event. Fibromyalgia is diagnosed based on a combination of relevant symptoms, or how the person feels, including fatigue, tenderness, functionality, and overall well-being. It is generally accepted that there is no cure for fibromyalgia. However, at Bergen Pain & Rehab, we have treated fibromyalgia successfully especially for patients whose symptoms began with physical trauma.
How can A-IMS® help with Fibromyalgia?
We treat fibromyalgia differently. We do not use medications to mask symptoms. Rather, we treat symptoms one by one by relaxing the tight muscles that give rise to the observed symptoms with A-IMS® procedure. This method has been successful in treating many fibromyalgia patients as you can read from the following patient testimonials. Typically, fibromyalgia patients have myriads of symptoms. By eliminating symptoms one by one, the patient can become pain free and fully functional to carry on daily living.
If you’re ready to try a new treatment option for fibromyalgia, schedule an appointment with Dr. Lee today. She has the skill and experience to assist you on your journey to a happier and healthier life.
Fibromyalgia Testimonials
Heather Rudderow
“I have been in two auto accidents, one in nine years ago and another four years ago.” “I came to Dr. Lee because I tried everything.” “I had surgery, fusion in my neck, epidurals, quite a few of them both upper and lower, acupuncture, TENS unit, chiropractic treatment. I even had 5 day nerve blocks at Hahnemann [Hospital].” “I had constant pain, a lot of migraine… [and] RSD [Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy] of my right arm.” ”I also had fibromyalgia.” “I went from a normal person to nothing.” “Coming to Dr. Lee’s office was the best thing I did.” “I just honestly believe that I wouldn’t have permanent damage if I came here [Dr. Lee’s office] first year of my accident. Things would have been much different.” “With Dr. Lee’s A-IMS treatment, I somewhat have a normal life.” “I don’t have to be in my pain meds…Dr. Lee’s treatment makes me not moody.” ”It took me 9 years to find something that gives me pain relief.”
Michelle Hale
“I have been seeing Dr. Lee and staff for a little over a year. The best way that I can chart my progress is this: When I went on vacation in two years ago, I lived on pain medication – 3 per day easily. When I went on vacation a year ago, I had to take 3 pain pills the entire trip.” “I had a car accident in 5 years ago leaving me with bulging and herniated discs in my lower back.” “I also had fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel in my elbows. I had my first A-IMS treatment for TMJ last week and although I am bruised, I can open the right side of my mouth without pain for the first time in a long time.” “I would recommend A-IMS treatments for chronic pain to anyone who is serious about getting their pain under control.”
Jo Ellen Campobasso
“I have injured in a car accident 6 years ago. I had pain in my whole body from head to toe. Some days my pain would be so bad that I would get up, send my kids to school, take my pain medication, and would get into bed under the electric blanket, and that’s where I’d spend my whole day. I was willing to do anything to get relief from the pain.” “The treatment Dr. Lee gave me has given me my life back. I was able to get a job after she had started to treat me.” “This is the only treatment I’ve been through that worked for me.”
Nicole Dalessio
“I was injured in an auto accident four years ago. [I have] nerve damage, pain in the base of my neck, pain through my arm and extremities and my back. I have two herniated discs. I was a gymnast, cheerleader, and finishing up my master’s degree. After the accident, I had to stop everything. I lost my scholarship, had to stop school. I became a hermit in my room. I had six epidurals, which did absolutely nothing. With the A-IMS, the pain just goes away. I’m relaxed. I’ve been taken back some of my activities. I’ve gone back to school, and I’m able to wash my own hair. [Dr. Lee] gave me things that I took for granted. My family also saw the changes in me with the A-IMS treatment.”
John Hudson
“On December three years ago, I had a serious auto accident. [The accident] resulted in: facial numbness, migraine headaches, severe neck, back and lower spine pain with two bulging discs and a sprained back, damaged nerves, damage to right ankle, torn cartilage in left knee, numbness in groin area (resulting in impotence), damaged left elbow with numbness in left shoulder, hands and forearm. The depression caused by the pain has set back my new business endeavor and interrupted the writing of my biography.” “At first, I was skeptical of this A-IMS treatment; however, I would do anything to eliminate the pain and suffering caused by this accident.” “Systematically, [Dr. Lee and her staff] eliminated first the migraine headaches, the numbness of the face, and most of the pain in the back and neck.” “It was astounding what this procedure has done to eliminate the pain I have been enduring for the past ten months.” “I can only say I have a great deal of love and appreciation for Dr. Lee.”