Bergen Pain & RehabAnna Lee, MD
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation located in Cresskill, NJ
We treat knee pain that is caused by auto accidents, slip-and-fall injuries, work-related injuries, and sports-related injuries as long as the injury is not a candidate for surgery. We do not treat knee pain resulting from structural damage of the knee. If you have persisting pain after surgery, we may be able to help after evaluation. Dr. Lee pioneered a new pain treatment procedure A-IMS® that helped many of her knee pain patients to recover. If you’re ready to try a new treatment option for your knee pain, schedule an appointment by calling the office.
Knee Pain Q & A

How does A-IMS® help relieve knee pain?
There are many diagnoses for knee pain such as runner’s knee, meniscus tear, sprained ligaments, etc. As long as the knee pain is caused by tight muscles or nerve irritation, we are able to help. From the standpoint of the A-IMS® procedure, pain is caused by muscle shortening or the formation of trigger points in the involved muscles. When muscles shorten, the tendons that are attached to the bone are pulled, causing pain and inflammatory responses and the nerves can be compressed giving rise to sensory symptoms. We treat tight muscles with A-IMS® procedure to relax them. When the muscles are relaxed, there will be no more pull on the tendons and no more compression on the nerves. These result in the resolution of pain and sensory symptoms. The success of A-IMS® for treating knee pain as shown in the following patient testimonial demonstrates the efficacy of our approach. If you’re ready to try a new approach to treating knee pain, schedule an appointment with Dr. Lee at your earliest convenience.
Patient Testimonials
Valerie Veal
My issues with knee pain started when I was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident at the age of 9. I was tossed from the car into a ditch causing internal bleeding and problems with my legs. I stayed in the hospital for months going thru rehabilitation, learning how to walk again. I have suffered with left knee pain for over 30 years of my life. Often it was so bad that I wished to cut my left leg off when my pain was excruciating. I was treated by several orthopedic doctors – getting painful injections which seem to help for a short period of time, but the chronic pain came back. One day Dr. Anne Lee, her Spouse Young Lee came into my office for a meeting to introduce a treatment they were performing. I was interested so I went to her office; she went over my history, explained about the treatment and what I could expect. After each treatment, I felt like I had done about 200 kick squats. I had post-treatment soreness after the treatment but it was not like the knee pain – it went away. After 3 treatments, I was able to walk without the chronic severe knee pain. Also during rainy and cloudy days my knee used to ache so badly, but since the treatment, I have no pain. I am so thankful to Dr. Lee for helping me with my knee pain.