Bergen Pain & RehabAnna Lee, MD
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation located in Cresskill, NJ
Technology has done much to improve our quality of life, but it’s also wreaking havoc on our bodies. Dr. Anna Lee of Bergen Pain & Rehab in Cresskill, New Jersey, often sees men and women with serious neck pain, much of which stems from time spent behind one screen or another. If you’ve noticed a significant increase in neck pain, schedule a consultation with Dr. Lee to explore her innovative treatment approach. Online scheduling makes it easy to find a convenient appointment time, or you can simply call the office.
Neck Pain

What is neck pain?
Neck pain is discomfort felt in your cervical spine, which consists of the upper seven vertebral segments of your spine. You may pay little attention to your neck until something goes wrong, at which point it becomes hard to pay attention to anything else.
Your neck is a complex part of your body and performs the critical function of protecting your spinal cord. Your cervical spine also allows a great deal of flexibility and movement in all directions. When you think about all of the bones, muscles, nerves, and connective tissues within your neck, it’s not surprising that neck pain is such a common experience.
What are the causes of Neck Pain
Many things can cause neck pain, some of which can be avoided and others that cannot. Among the most common causes of neck pain are a sedentary lifestyle combined with a great deal of time spent staring at various screens.
Other causes of neck pain include:
- Degenerative disc disease
- Whiplash
- Herniated disc
- Pinched nerve
- Meningitis
- Fibromyalgia
- Strains
- Viral or bacterial infections
Because neck pain can stem from many sources, it’s important to come in for a thorough diagnosis anytime you experience severe or persistent neck pain.
Can I prevent Neck Pain?
Can I prevent Neck Pain?
There are steps you can take to reduce your risk of neck pain. For example, if you regularly participate in athletic or fitness pursuits, choosing the right protective gear is important. You can also try yoga or other stretching exercises to improve strength and flexibility in your neck.
Work and home ergonomics are also important. If you sit for long periods of time or spend hours in front of a screen, changing your seating position, trying a standing desk, and taking frequent breaks to stretch can all reduce neck pain.
What happens during A-IMS® treatment for neck pain?
Dr. Lee uses A-IMS to correct the communication between tightened muscle tissue and the corresponding nerves. The treatment process sometimes creates a cramping sensation as the muscle knot releases, followed by an immediate sensation of relief in the treated area.
The treatment needles have rounded edges and are coated with a thin layer of Teflon®, allowing them to move in and out of the targeted tissue very rapidly. You might experience soreness after your treatment, but you’ll rest comfortably on an aqua massage bed as hydraulic jets promote relaxation.
If you’re ready to try a new approach to treating neck pain, schedule an appointment with Dr. Lee at your earliest convenience.
Neck Pain Testimonials
Nicole Dalessio
I was injured in an auto accident in 2000. [I have] nerve damage, pain in the base of myneck, pain through my arm and extremities and my back. I have two herniated discs. I was a gymnast, cheerleader, and finishing up my master’s degree. After the accident, I had to stop everything. I lost my scholarship, had to stop school. I became a hermit in my room. I had six epidurals, which did absolutely nothing. With the A-IMS treatment, the pain just goes away. I’m relaxed. I’ve been taken back some of my activities. I’ve gone back to school, and I’m able to wash my own hair. [Dr. Lee] gave me things that I took for granted. My family also saw the changes in me with the A-IMS treatment.”
Audiel Guzman
“I was in a car accident and discovered a herniated disc in my neck. I tried chropractic care but realized it was not enough. My muscle tightened after days, making it hard to do housework and it was hard to sleep at nights. I feel better after Dr. Lee’s A-IMS treatments. Since these treatments, I have been able to sleep better and strive harder to help my parents around the house.”
John Weiss
“The first [A-IMS] treatment is pretty painful, but it seems like each one in succession is less painful. After I started treatment with Dr. Lee, I never had to take the narcotics and all the muscle relaxants.” “At the end of nine treatments I was walking four miles a day, and I had lost 100 pounds, and I didn’t have to come back. The pain was gone.” “I was rear-ended in 2003 [again]. This time I developed a bulging disc in my neck and a herniated disc in the thoracic spine… and nerve damage. This time the injury was more serious. I asked my family doctor to send me to Dr. Lee. I couldn’t come to her right away. They did epidurals and other things, but didn’t help me. Finally, my orthopedic doctor sent me to Dr. Lee.” Regarding any side effects from the IMS treatment: “What side effects? Pain being gone? [There are] no side effects.”
Dr. Lee’s first A-IMS treatment successfully relieved my pain that I had lived with for 23 years. In 1983, I was involved in a baseball accident that left me with three herniated disks in my neck, for years I tried every type of treatment available to me including chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, disk fusion surgery and pain medication. The disk fusion was between C5 and C6, one year after surgery and physical therapy the pressure due to the ridged fusion further aggravated the disks C4-5 and C6-7. At the time of my first treatment I was taking Ultram ER and Vicodin everyday for pain, after the second treatment I was able to eliminate all pain medication. Once the cycle of pain was broken, I steadily improved.