Bergen Pain & RehabAnna Lee, MD
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation located in Cresskill, NJ
We treat shoulder pain that is caused by auto accidents, slip-and-fall injuries, work-related injuries, and sports-related injuries. We do not treat shoulder pain secondary to other diseases such as heart disease or gallbladder disease. Dr. Lee has helped so many people to recover from shoulder pain as evidenced by her patients’ testimonials shown below. If you suffer from shoulder pain and what A-IMS® can do to solve the problem, schedule an appointment today by calling the office.
Shoulder Pain Q & A

How A-IMS® can help relieve shoulder pain?
There are many names for shoulder pain such as biceps tendonitis, rotator cuff tear, shoulder impingement, frozen shoulder, etc., but from the standpoint of A-IMS® procedure, pain is caused by muscle shortening or formation of trigger points in the involved muscles. When muscles shorten the tendons that are attached to the bone are pulled causing pain and inflammatory responses and the nerves can be compressed giving rise to sensory symptoms. We treat tight muscles with A-IMS® procedure to relax them. When the involved muscles are relaxed, there will be no more pull on the tendons and no more compression on the nerves. This results in resolution of the pain and sensory symptoms. The success of A-IMS® for treating all types of shoulder pain as shown partly in the following patient testimonials demonstrate the efficacy of our approach. We have helped so many patients with shoulder pain – even those patients who were scheduled for surgery. If you’re ready to try a new approach to treating shoulder pain, schedule an appointment with Dr. Lee at your earliest convenience.
Patient Testimonials
Mario Del Campo
This is by far the most effective pain relief treatment I have ever gotten. I was treated with dry needling in the past, but this was ten times more powerful. I had a shoulder pain that had been causing me problems for months, so I looked for a place in NY that was specialized in such cases. This place is one of a kind, and it’s also near the city.
I got treated by Dr. Lee and after only 3 sessions most of my symptoms went away. Plus, she is one of the most attentive and caring doctors I have ever met, and trust me I know lots of them; both of my parents are!
The treatment is super easy, and thanks to the premedication everything is so much comfortable. Also, you will feel safe, and never misinformed. During the whole process Dr. Lee took the time to explain everything to me and solve all my doubts. I
learned a lot about what was actually causing my pain. Thank you Dr. Lee, for everything.
Brandi Malone
“I am a patient as well as a former nurse employed by Dr.Lee. During high school and college years, I was an athlete, catching and throwing balls in basketball and softball, using my left hand. As a result of that activity, I developed pain both in my neck and left shoulder several years ago. Dr. Lee’s A-IMS treatment successfully removed that pain after a few treatments. However, after a car accident several years ago, the pain became more severe in my neck and left shoulder again. I also developed pain in my left hip and the lower left side of my back after that accident.” “I was able to continue to work at Dr. Lee’s office since the pain could be eliminated due to the A-IMS treatments. I continued to work and I started seeing how many people came back after responding to A-IMS treatment. They had every kind of treatment before they got here…epidural injections, surgery, chiropractic treatment, physical therapy and they did not get better. A-IMS treatment was their last resort. On one occasion, I saw a lady 35 years old with no bladder control, walking with a cane due to her muscle spasms. Only two months of treatments later, she didn’t have to wear diapers and no longer used a cane.I had a part in making her better.”
Peggy Stephens
“I was in a serious car accident two years ago. I was 32 years young, worked full time and was married with two children. I had severe headaches, severe back pain, severe shoulder and neck pain, jaw pain, and numbness in my right leg and right arm.” “I always thought that pain management was a doctor who just prescribed drugs to mask the pain instead of actually healing the problem. After meeting with Dr. Anna Lee, I decided to try the A-IMS. After the first treatment, my headaches were significantly improved. After the second treatment, I could start picking my child up.” “If anyone is as skeptical as I was, please feel free to contact me. I am living proof that this treatment works. My family will also testify to that. In my opinion, this should be the first course of action instead of having an invasive procedure that costs more and which could negatively impact with no guarantees and which could negatively impact life with no guarantee.”
Ulysses Cook
“Seven years ago, I was in a car accident in which I thought I was all right. A couple of days later, I started having pain in my neck, shoulder, lower back, and right leg. I also had pain in my right arm and right hand. My right hand was swollen and would go numb. “The A-IMS treatment… made me 100% better. It made me use my arm a lot better. My relief with the treatment was immediate and started to last longer with each treatment” “Dr. Lee and her staff are very good at what they do. They make you feel at home. They are very professional and well trained.” “Dr. Lee’s A-IMS treatments were very effective for me. I would recommend Dr. Lee to anyone who is having or experiencing any type of pain.”