Lee Bouggess

Lee Bouggess



“Hi. I’m Lee Bouggess, retired NFL player and a graduate of the University Louisville. Having experienced major knee surgery and becoming acquainted with Anna and her husband Young Lee and having learned about Automated Intramuscular Stimulation or A-IMS, I felt it was necessary to experience the therapeutic procedure for myself.

Following my term as an athlete, I developed spinal stenosis, which caused constant low back pain with numbness and tingling sensation running down my right leg into the sole of my right foot. The pain prevented me from walking and if I continued to walk, I may fall down to the floor or ground due to the severe numbness in my right leg. So, I overcame the fear of the treatment and decided to give the procedure a try.

The day following the treatment, I walked two miles and in my astonishment; where I would have had to stoop down to stretch my sacroiliac joint more than a dozen times to continue to walk prior to the procedure. I didn’t have to stoop not one time. My low back pain is also considerably better. The experience was like a miracle. This treatment would be extremely beneficial to all professional athletes, who are disabled and don’t require surgery and those athletes returning to the game subsequent to major surgery. The A-IMS treatment would enable the pro athlete’s return to the game sooner than expected and maintain a high level of performance. All athletes can benefit significantly with the assistance of the A-IMS treatment.”

John Weiss

John Weiss

Chronic NeckPain


“Dr. Lee’s first A-IMS treatment successfully relieved my pain that I had lived with for 23 years. In 1983, I was involved in a baseball accident that left me with three herniated disks in my neck, for years I tried every type of treatment available to me including chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, disk fusion surgery and pain medication. The disk fusion was between C5 and C6, one year after surgery and physical therapy the pressure due to the rigid fusion further aggravated the disks C4-5 and C6-7. At the time of my first treatment I was taking Ultram ER and Vicodin everyday for pain, after the second treatment I was able to eliminate all pain medication. Once the cycle of pain was broken, I steadily improved.”

Dr. Donald Underwood

Dr. Donald Underwood

Failed Back Syndrome


“I used to do a lot of physical work that was not good for your low back. I developed herniated discs and underwent two low back surgeries. Second one being in 1994. I had severe back spasm literally bringing me on the floor… literally unable to walk straight for two weeks. I was very depressed when I saw Dr. Lee. My relief from the A-IMS treatment was immediate. I eventually needed treatment every eight weeks and I was able to play ice hockey and ski with no limitations. Dr. Lee has given me my life back.”

Charles Driben

Charles Driben



“I am a veterinarian. I lead a very active life. I woke up one day with pain that radiated from my buttocks or the lower buttocks down primarily my right leg through the hamstring muscles, the back of my right leg and the side, down the lateral side of the tibia down to the ankle. My lumbar spine MRI showed a large disc herniation at L4-5 with 3 bulging discs. After receiving the A-IMS treatment, I’ve been pain free now for over several years. I am not limited in any way, I have not missed any work and I feel fine and I don’t have even the slightest bit of a twinge.” Anybody that would have this type of pain in the back or the neck, I would certainly recommend that they talk to Dr. Lee, be evaluated by Dr. Lee before they enable anybody to do anything more radical.”


Richard Lambert

Richard Lambert

Neck and Shoulder Pain,Numb Arm,Unable to Sit


“During college, I was very physically active lifting weights as well as playing other sports. After graduating from pharmacy school, I worked 12 hours a day standing on my feet while continuing my active life style. Eight years ago, I began having neck and right shoulder pain. Initially, the pain was not very severe, just uncomfortable. Within a few weeks, however, I began to experience numbness with tingling sensation up and down my right arm and was unable to sit for any period of time. I was evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon and my MRI scan of the cervical spine revealed three herniations and one bulging disc. No treatment worked. I was a very active person but I was unable to do any sports I used to do. My orthopedic surgeon told me that I would simply have to ‘live with the pain.’ With the A-IMS treatment the pain went down dramatically to a point where I was only seeing Dr. Lee sporadically maybe every 5-6 months for maintenance purposes. As long as Dr. Lee is around I feel confident to go forward with my life.”